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Rosemary+Clove Water for Hair Growth

Rosemary and clove water is said to promote hair growth and hair retention. This is due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious properties of these two gifts of nature.

Things you will need: organic rosemary, whole cloves and distilled water

Use a rolling pin to lighty roll over the rosemary sprigs. This helps to release the frangrance of the rosemary. Place 5 rosemary stalks and a handful of cloves into a mason jar or a plastic container. Cover the items with two cups of water. Set the mixture aside, in a cool place or in the fridge for at least 24 hours. Note, the longer the mixture sits, the more potent the mixture becomes.

Once the mixture is ready, strain the cloves and rosemary and place it in a spray bottle. On wash day, lightly mist the mixture on the scalp after shampooing and conditioning. DO NOT RINSE THE MIXTURE. Allow it to permeate the scalp. You may also spritz the mixture on the ends of your hair to prevent breakage and promote length retention.

Storage tips: for daily use, store the mixture in the fridge for up to a week. Please note that this mixture contains water which gives it the potential to become contaminated. For long term use, store the mixture in the fridge and thaw before use.

PLEASE NOTE: please perform a patch test on your hair or skin prior to using it on your scalp or hair. Stop use if a reaction occurs.

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